Chrysanthemum Collection
Chrysanthemum Collection
Each beaded Chrysanthemum Collection bracelet is made by hand in Mara Hruby's home! Each piece is crafted with Love & Light, designed to be the perfect addition to your individual energy. Please read the additional information below to see a further description of this collection's healing properties.
*Do note that you will receive one bracelet when you order from the collection. The quantity ordered represents the number you will receive.
Chrysanthemum Stone is comprised of Dolomite, Gypsum-Bearing Clay, Limestone, and Porphyry with lath-like crystals of Andalusite, Celestite, or Calcite which are all grouped into a pattern resembling a Chrysanthemum flower.
Quick Guide - The Stone Of Harmonious Change
This stone is about embracing life in all its aspects in a balanced way so that you may have more of it. It's about the internal journey and the external one, the yin and the yang that both happen simultaneously. Perfect for those whose life seems to be falling apart and need that bridge to the new world that already exists but we cant quite see the path to make the leap. While eliminating jealousy, overcoming prejudges, narrow mindedness, resentment and animosity, Chrysanthemum Stone will urge one towards natural self-development. It will expose one’s purpose and feed one’s potential, providing confidence, strength of character, stability and trust. It will allow one to see the larger pictures while guarding from emotional distractions, adding depth and meaning to our thoughts and actions.
Chakras :: All Chakras, but specifically the Root Chakra
Element :: Water